Monday, May 7, 2012

Frog can detect earthquake

In 2009, the number of frogs in L'Aquila, Italy disappeared from the local pools, three days before the big quake.

Ms. Grant, a biologist from the Open University, observed the colony of frogs in L'Aquila as part of his research.
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"It's very dramatic," he said. "96 frogs disappear within three days. After that I was contacted by NASA, "he added.

Together scientists from the U.S. space agency, they studied the chemical changes that occur when rocks in the earth experienced a big tekakan. They also were investigating whether the change is related to the mass exodus of frogs.

According to experts, geophysics, Friedemann Freund, said the rocks in the earth's crust is under great pressure, removing the particles. Particles released in the air when it reaches Earth's surface into the air molecules called ions.
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These chemical changes can affect the dissolved organic matter in the water and makes the material is toxic to animals that live in water. That is the cause of animals such as frogs can detect strange changes that occur in nature.

The mechanism is complex and scientists say the process needs to be examined more carefully.

In line with Freund, the hypothesis the researchers (in a report published in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health) said that the rocks in the crust of the Earth issued a charged particle, before the earthquake and this affects the water.

Scientists estimate that frogs can detect these changes before the tectonic plates shifted. Dr. Freund said the attitude of these animals can be one of a number of things that can be used as evidence of the earthquake.

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Foto gempa di L’Aquila, Italia (
"Once we understand all these signals and see there are four or five clues that lead to the same thing, then we can expect something to happen," says Dr. Freund, as quoted by the BBC Nature.

Animals are more sensitive to symptoms that occur in nature. We as humans still have much to learn in nature. This is evidence of how great God's creation, is not it?

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