Friday, June 29, 2012

Ramen noodles Apparently Not From Japan

Any mention of ramen noodles, must have thought of a typical Japanese food. Is this so?

"Mi rather than Japanese ramen, ramen noodles from China," said John Chu, Executive Chef Pearl Restaurant Hotel JW Marriott, the Okezone at the JW Marriott, Jakarta, recently.

Mi Ramen ramen noodles Apparently Not From Japan
Delicious ramen noodles /

"Mi ramen originated from areas in China, precisely Lan Cao. From there, ramen has become popular all over the world, "he added.

John Chu is in fact the opinion is written in wikipedia. Unfortunately, not many people realize. According to the saga, from the Chinese original Ramen (Rupelle, Guy de la [2005] and Being Japanese American, Gil Asakawa [2004]). But the growing theory that the word "ramen" is pronounced by the Japanese from the Chinese word "Lamian".

Well, in this country there are lots of processed bamboo curtains are manifold including noodles with ramen noodles or Lamian earlier.

Making ramen, relying on arm strength. Hand movements during the manufacture of ramen noodles to be the key pleasures.

"If the noodles are made by machine, not just ramen noodles alone but all the noodles, then the results will not be good for a touch of the hand made ​​noodles be tasty," he continued.

Then, why ramen noodles known as the menu that comes from Japan? "Keep in mind, ramen originated in China, not Japan. Ramen noodles from China and then brought to Japan. The problem is, Japan can make the noodles from flour whose quality is better, that makes it delicious, so identical to the Japanese ramen noodles, "said John Chu.

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