Narwhal (monodon monoceros) is the name of one of the most whales are not known to man. The name "narwhal" is derived from the Old Norse language which means "corpse whale". The name was given because of habit who sometimes swam motionless on the sea surface with the position of the stomach is facing up and his reply spotty color-gray spots like the sailor who drowned.
They are known to live only in the waters of the Arctic, specifically in the Arctic Ocean. Narwhal is a toothed whale-consuming and includes carnivorous marine animals such as fish, shrimp, or squid
The mysterious spiral narwhal horn was functioning as a giant sensor to help determine the quality of water and to "smell" other narwhal.

Horn of the narwhal whale which can reach 2.4 meters in length it has long been a puzzle the naturalist and hunter. A description of the function was often subject to dispute, so Dr.. Martin Nweeia, a researcher at Harvard School of Dental Medicine.
According Nweeia, the horn seems to have a hydrodynamic sensing capabilities. He expresses this in prsentasi at the Conference on Marine Mammal Biology in San Diego.
Narwhal (monodon monoceros) is a type of whale, including very rare. Body length is up to 4 to 4.5 meters, and mostly found in the ocean waters around the Canadian Arctic, but sometimes also seen further east to Russia.
Nweeia team discovered that the narwhal horn similar to the membrane with a surface that is very sensitive. There are approximately 10 million nerve that connects to the surface of the horn, in order to detect changes in temperature, pressure, and water salinity.
"There is nothing comparable with it in nature and nothing is more unique than the narwhal horn in terms of shape, appearance, and function.
Each whale narwhal (monodon monoceros) also use sound to communicate with each other like dolphins or other whales. In fact, each of which is likely to have a unique sound that also shows his identity.
Scientists have long known that marine mammals use sound signals to communicate with each other in the water. Recent research even suggests that the whales have dialects.
However, not much research to learn the identity of sounds like a narwhal whales diguankan. The researchers believe the narwhal whales use sound to identify each other and differ from one individual to individual.
It is the scientists concluded after studying the sounds of three tails narwhal in Admiralty Bay on Baffin Island, Canada. They use electronic recorders attached to the body of the giant mammals.
"For the first time, we can actually follow the animals whenever they speak and wherever they move," said Ari Shapiro of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution.
Although one of the recorder is missing, the remaining two have shown that different forms of noise, a whistling sound and beats. Shapiro suggests that both types of voice signal is not used to exchange information about food sources, but simply indicate the identity of individuals in social communication.
What do narwhal whales like bottle nose dolphins that also whistling noises to communicate. Although the data regarding communication between the narwhal whale is still minimal, the scientists believe it has very sensitive hearing as well as other whales.
They regularly migrate thousands of miles and in groups. So with different voices, each one can distinguish the individual in the group or other groups. The results of this study was published in the Journal of the Acoustical Society of America September 2006 issue.
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