Friday, July 6, 2012

The risk of getting Scary Black Holes

Black hole capable of swallowing a variety of celestial bodies. The more he swallowed, the greater the power hisapnya. But the risk is not just that.

Black hole is a region of space that can swallow gas, dust, stars, planets, and other celestial bodies that exist in a galaxy. Its gravitational pull is very strong. A planet passing in the vicinity will not survive the suction hole.
1617722 Risk Menakkutkan Kian Black Holes

Many astronomers are increasingly worried about illegal activities will be able to swallow the planet Earth. So what makes a black hole can suck objects around space?

Actually there are theories that say, the suction power of a black hole could be weakened and he will go to sleep phase, stop eating celestial body. According to George Helou, from NASA's Spitzer Science Center at the California Institute of Technology, a black hole in our galaxy is currently in a phase of sleep.

Black hole called Sagittarius A is located in the center of the Milky Way. Scherbakov, an astronomer at the Harvard Center for Astrophysics said the black hole in the Milky Way takes only 0.01% of stars around it.

But now researchers have also discovered a fact, black holes constantly evolving, so that they can be active again someday. The more he swallows the stars, the sooner the process of evolution.

According to data obtained from space telescope, over the last few years, a growing number of black holes swallowing the celestial bodies. In addition, it is said that the more he sucked celestial body, the greater the power sedotnya. This is because the increase in ion elements in it.

However, not only evolve, later also known that black holes exist in many galaxies are also joined to each other. Various celestial bodies that enter the black hole contains a lot of energy in large quantities.

So the combination of black antarlubang would also increase the amount of energy. It can control the energy flow in and out of gas and dust out of the hole.

Not only dust and gas, astronomers believe that a black hole sucking too many emit X-rays and radioactive waves. However, the amount of radiation they observed X-ray can not be explained. Clearly, all of which affect the development of the galaxy where the black hole where it is located.

Understand the process, the workings and evolution of black holes is important to explain the formation of the Milky Way and the integrity of the earth in the future. Study the interaction of intergalactic radiation and can make us aware of the magnitude of the gravity field, magnetic force, and the process of black hole radiation.

"We have studied the data from the Hubble space for several years, and found that the faster the black hole devouring material space, the higher the ionization power," said David Ballantyne, assistant professor of physics Georgia Institute of Technology.

Space physicists do not currently have an adequate explanation about the suction power of black holes and how to grow or what makes a particular black hole stops growing. But clearly, the black hole and the disc will affect the surrounding celestial objects.

"Sucking on a celestial black hole releases a lot of energy. Not only radiation, but also the gases released until well into the outer galaxy. This gas will change the location of stars, and stop the development of galaxies, "Ballantyne said.

"The black hole suction still continue to be studied. There is a growing and some are dead. Studying is important to know the shape and change the composition of our galaxy, "Ballantyne added.

Black hole is sucking celestial body. Earth at risk of being swallowed by it. But the risk was not only that. Gas is ejected from it can make a celestial body shifts, and even possibly crash.

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