Sunday, July 1, 2012

Wind Damage Claims In The Galaxy

Infrared observatory Herschel space belongs to the European Space Agency (ESA) has detected the movement of wind consisting of gas molecules flowing away from the galaxy.

The wind which had been followed for years is thought to have enough power to destroy galaxies consisting of gas and halt star formation early on.
Winds cause damage to the 110 729 300 225 galaxies Wind Damage Claims In The Galaxy

Herschel detected the wind is incredible. Much blowing hard, with a speed of more than 1,000 kilometers per second. Wind is 10 thousand times faster than the storms that blow in the Earth.

"This is the first time that such molecular gas flow can be clearly observed in a galaxy," said Echard Sturm, researchers from the Max-Planck Institute, who chaired the study, as quoted by the Daily Galaxy.

This finding, Sturm said, is important because stars form from molecular gas. While this wind flow steal the galaxy's materials needed to make new stars. "If hembusannya strong enough, they can even stop the total star formation," he said.

"With Herschel, we can now study what effect the wind was against the evolution of galaxies," said Sturm.

Of research, concluded that up to 1,200 times the mass of our sun is lost every year due to the devastating winds.

The amount is equal to the depletion of the galaxy's gas supply for star forming between one and 100 million years into the future. In fact, the disruption of star formation have adverse effects on galaxies.

The wind itself could be caused by particles and the expenditure of intense light of a new star or by shock waves can also be derived from an old stellar explosions.

Alternatively, the wind can be triggered by radiation caused by substances that are spinning around the black hole, in the center of the galaxy.

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