Saturday, June 18, 2011

Places Amazing And Unique Place In The World

1. Guaíra Falls, Brazil-Paraguay border










Most people think of Niagara Falls is the largest in the world. Though Guaira Falls is the largest in the world by volume waterfall that reaches an average of 1.75 million cubic feet per-second. Compare with the Niagara Falls are only 70 000 cubic per-second. 

Sources Guaira Falls is located in the frontier of Brazil, Paraguay, the Parana river. In 1982, the water ternjun Guaira was built dams for power generation with the name of the Itaipu Dam which is now the second largest dam in the world's largest electricity producer after Gorges Dam. Itaipu Dam supplies 90 percent of electricity to Paraguay, and 19 percent to Brazil, Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo.

2. Iceberg B-15, Antartika










 Iceberg B-15 was the largest iceberg in recorded history. The extent of 3100 km, making it larger than Jamaica Pulai. Giant iceberg is due to fault on the Ross Ice Shelf in March 2000.
Then in 2003, iceberg B-15 was again split into several pieces, one of the largest so-called B-15a drifting to the north, then fell into a glacier in 2005, leaving the fault along the 8 km. This makes major changes to the map of Antarctica and the demand should be revised (map).

Some drifted along the coast eventually foundered. In 2006, hurricanes in Alaska, menyebbakan ocean waves that pass up to 13,500 miles for 6 days to Antarctica, and separating the fractions remaining fraction becomes more and more.

Nearly a decade passed, the parts of the iceberg is still not completely liquid, the largest part is still considered sebagaii B-15a, with the vast field reached 1,700 km. The picture above is an iceberg called B-15a after drifting into the Drygalski Glacier (bottom), his final break up into several pieces. 

3. Don Juan Pond, Antartika








The place where the highest salt content? Surely someone will call the Dead Sea. The Dead Sea is world famous because of the very high salt content.  

Based on research, high salt content of sea water could be a medical therapy. No wonder that in many built around the Dead Sea spas for therapy, particularly health and beauty therapies. But it turns out that the Dead Sea is not terasin in the world.

It is precisely in the Antarctic is, rather Don Juan Pond, a lake with the highest salt content in the world. The comparison when juxtaposed with the sea in general, Don Juan Pond, 18 times saltier than normal sea water, when compared to the Dead Sea, the Don Juan Pond, eight times more salty.

This location is found by Lt. Don Roe and Lt. John Hickey, in 1961, when they do research in Antarctica. Don Juan Pond is also the name given by the two researchers of this army, possibly merging the two names.

Temperatures in the pond-like most in the Antarctic region, is low with the lows can reach -30 degrees Celsius. But never got frozen like other places in Antarctica.

4. Rotorua, New Zealand







Rotorua is a city on the waterfront south of the lake with the same name. Precisely in the bay of Plenty, North Island of New Zealand.

The uniqueness of the region is the number of pools of hot springs, especially Pohutu Geyser at Whakarewarewa, and mud boiling mud. The area was a unique and interesting, so much visited by tourists.

5. 83-42, Greenland







Strange and unique. But 83-42 is believed to be the only area of ​​land in the north. It's just 'a piece' size is about 35 mx 15 m high and 4 m. When viewed from above, like just a speck of land surrounded by shards of ice shards.

Unik! Ketika kutub utara tertutup oleh es, namun tanah ini tidak. Lihat gambar! Keunikan ini sekaligus menumbangkan rekor sebelumnya yaknu ATOW 1996. Keunikan 83-42 ini ditemukan tahun 1998.

6. Socotra, Republic of Yemen








Socotra oddest places at once the most unique in the world. Almost everything there looks weird, from the shape of the tree and its environment, it's no wonder many are calling Socotra in the Republic of Yemen as one of the alien nest in the world.

The place is very isolated, other dry climates than others. This anomaly may cause plant life or anything on there grew strangely. Call it a well-known plants such as the Dragon's Blood Tree is strange, very unusual shape, looks like an umbrella. This tree produces red sap.

There also exist animals native animals, like birds, spiders and other native animals. Not to mention the rocky reef as well, whose shape is not common and there is only on the island. With all the strangeness content of the island, do not be surprised if Socotra, an island at sea arab, entered in the Heritage of World Heritage.

7. The Great Dune of Pyla, France








All we know that Europe has no deserts, sand dunes at best only mediocre. But this assumption is wrong. Europe has a unique dune Pyla ie, the length of 3 km, width of 500 m and a height of 100 meters. These dunes are very steep part facing the forest.

This place is famous for being the place of paragliding activity. Besides the uniqueness of the dunes, which is also amazing is the surrounding landscape from the heights where we could see the sea and forest. Because the dunes are much higher than the forest, so that from the dunes we could see everything.

8. Meteor Crater, USA







Meteor Crater is a crater formed by a meteorite. It is located about 43 miles (69 km) east of Flagstaff, near Winslow in the northern Arizona desert of the United States. The place was called Meteor Crater because it was close to the post office name.

Meteor Crater is reportedly formed since 50,000 years ago in the Pleistocene period when the local climate became cooler and wetter. At that time there was a vast grassland and forests, inhabited by woolly mammoths, giant sloth mashed, and camels. Perhaps the area was not inhabited by humans. The fallen meteor containing the nickel and make a crater of 50 meters.

9. Mount Roraima, Venezuela, Brazil and Guyan








Mount Roraima is a beautiful wonderful place. The rock is shaped like a hood unique because the table was in the clouds. Height of 400 meters. The only way to reach the peak of the roof of the table is a ladder by climbing lane that was already provided by the government of Venezuela.

Another way that is not recommended is the usual rock climbers. There, the rain fell almost every day, wash away the ivy plants on the roof. As a result, the roof of the mountain to be unique, because it is clean of any .. aka as "an empty table."

10. The Door To Hell, Turkmenistan




This place is probably all know, at least have read about or see pictures. It is no wonder because the natural phenomenon in Turkmenistan is somewhat unique. People call it 'the Gate of Hell "because the crater roughly 70 meters out fires continuously since last 35 years.

Starting from 1971 in which the geologist member region to look for mine gas. What ensues is a burst of flame from under a continuous, even swallowed all their equipment. Geologists are no one dared to go down into the crater that toxic. You can see it on Google Earth at 40 ° 15'8 "N 58 ° 26'23" E.









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