Wednesday, June 29, 2011

unique stones in the world

WAVE ROCK - Hyden Australia
Stone-like waves, according to experts estimated to have existed since 60jt years ago.Wave Rock is a granite composite, which has a height of about 15 meters long and 110 meters. There are also rock types like this in Utah United States.

Wave Rock Hyden Australia

Moving Rock  -Racetrack Playa, Death Valley - California
A geological phenomenon of the movement of rock and even some that are not linearwithout bianatang or human intervention. It was a miracle and make us wonder. This phenomenon can we find in Racetrack Playa, Death Valley, California.

Moving rock - California

Dome of the Rock - Masjid Al Aqsha, Palestina

Stone this one makes us wonder. Floating stone, which lies in the environment of Palestine Al-Aqsa mosque. It is said that at the time of the Prophet Muhammad going to Ascension, the stone wanted to come, but soon he menghentakan feet on the stone, meaning that the stones do not have to participate. The stone is located in the area hanging Omar Mosque (Dome of the Rock) in the neighborhood of Al Aqsa Mosque in Jarussalem.

Dome of the Rock - Palestina

Malin Kundang Rock - Padang, Indonesia
Located in the Sweet Water Beach, Padang. There is a stone that is said this stone is a boy who was cursed by her mother, because durhak. True or tidaknnya, wallahu knows best, but this is a unique stone and makes us wonder.

Malin Kundang Rock

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