dance of death CCLXIIIIv Genesis 4 Weird World
July 1518, a woman named Frau Troffea called walking in one of the narrow street in Strasbourg, France, and began dancing a dance that lasted about four or six days in a row. At the end of the week, 34 people participated in the dance, and in a month, the participants of this bizarre dance of 400 people.
2.Wabah Tanganyika Laughter
art of laughter2 Genesis 4 Weird World
Victims of this outbreak, which almost all of them are women, finally experiencing pain, fainting, breathing problems, hives and even cry, all arising from hysterical laughter. Even the outbreak of this contagious laughter to the parents of the students, as well as to other schools and even into the surrounding villages. It took 18 months before the outbreak was stopped a total laugh.
3. rain Animals
This unique occurrence is probably the most common events in the world. The rain birds, bats, fish, worms and tadpoles even been reported from several parts of the world. The scientists reported that most likely there is a storm with high speed and a tornado that passes through the water, and suck the animals, then dropped at a distance.
4. Most polluted river in India has suddenly become 'sweet'
2006, the sea water coming into Mumbai, suddenly turned into a sweet taste, and this phenomenon di'temukan 'by some penduduku Mumbai suddenly feel the water in the Mahim Creek River, one of the most polluted rivers in India, which receives thousands of tons of raw sewage and industrial waste every day it suddenly became sweet. For several hours, residents said that the Gujarat sea coast also change Teethal sweet.
Maharashtra Pollution Control Council (The Maharashtra Pollution Control Board) has issued a warning that there is no population meninum existing water, but still many people collect water in the bottles, and plastic waste, although many who participated in the current carried away there. Around 2 am the next day, the residents are just beginning to acknowledge that the water had turned sweet salty again.
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