Wednesday, May 23, 2012

The Capable Worm Found Living In the depth of 900 Meters

The Capable Worm Found Living In the depth of 900 MetersTullis Onstott, from Princeton University scientists, with colleagues from South Africa, Belgium and the Netherlands found a new species of worm called Halicephalobus Mephisto. Scientists found this worm lives in the depths of 900-3600 meters in the underground water layer on a gold mine in South Africa.

1343072620X310 Ditemukan Cacing Yang Mampu Hidup Dikedalaman 900 Meter
Onstott said he was surprised and did not think finding a worm in that depth. "Scary as hell when I first saw the worm moves. Worms that look like small black objects moving in circles, "Onstott said as quoted Dailymail.

Previously, many scientists thought that only the microorganisms that can live at that depth. Why, oxygen and nutrients are limited, and temperature extremes. However, the present invention, Onstott prove that multicellular organisms can survive in that environment.

In its publication in the journal Nature on Wednesday (06.01.11), Onstott explained that Halicephalobus Mephisto entered in the phylum Nematoda.

It has a small size, about 0.55 mm and can tolerate temperatures up to over 48 degrees celsius. Way is to reproduce asexually (without mating) and choose the food bacteria below the surface.

Carbon analysis showed that the water in the layer where the worm species found 3000-12000 years old. Believed that the species of worm that lives on the surface initially, but was taken to the lower layer by rainwater past. This worm is similar to fruit rot and worms that may have a kinship with him.

These findings could indicate that the underground environment is more complex than expected. The discovery of multicellular creatures also provide important implications for living underground search on other planets in the Solar System.

In addition to finding Halicephalobus Mephisto, Onstott and his colleagues also discovered other worms, including Plectus aquatilis.

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