Friday, June 22, 2012

Well, Pollution Triggers Hypertension, danger danger danger.

Living in urban areas with high air pollution can trigger a rise in blood pressure or hypertension. Source pollution can come from motor vehicles, dust, or pollutants from power plants.

The researchers conducted a study of 5000 respondents. Analysis is performed by looking at the impact of air pollution on blood pressure.
most polluted cities in the world Russia's Norilsk Well, Pollution Triggers Hypertension
"Air pollution is not only trigger a heart attack and stroke, but also affects the occurrence of the disease process," said Dr. Barbara Hoffman, lead researcher.

High blood pressure is a risk factor for atherosclerosis, or hardening of the arteries that causes heart disease and stroke. In the previous studies have found that increasing air pollution can increase blood pressure, but long-term effects are unknown.

High blood pressure is often referred to as a killer in disguise. Risk lies in the long-term damage caused by the disease. High blood pressure is a major cause of stroke, heart attack, kidney failure, dementia, and died young.
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There is no cure for high blood pressure, but this condition can be prevented and treated. Lifestyle changes and regular treatment, if needed, can help control blood pressure and maintain it at a safe level.

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