Monday, May 28, 2012

Ancient lake in the Sahara Desert Bottom

Yes,. This was the insight that will open our eyes.
Knowledge is good for us to know, and deserve to be spelled out something amazing.

Lake below the Sahara desert,
An ancient lake that stretches along 350 kilometers under the sea of ​​sand found in the Sahara Desert, Egypt.

Geological expert Ted Maxwell of the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum, Washington DC, tested the high-resolution images in southwestern Egypt were extracted using Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) of NASA.
Eye of the Sahara 95 341 300 225 Lower Lake Ancient Sahara Desert
SRTM is a modified radar system, which is attached to the Space Shuttle Endeavour, which launched in February 2000. The system is able to identify an area in Tushka, where the water of the lake formed from the overflow of the Nile.

The lake is up about 250 thousand years ago, during a wet climatic period when the region was covered with grassland. At high tide, the lake has an area of ​​approximately 68 200 square kilometers. However, the lake dried up since 80 thousand years ago.

Broad estimates of the lake was probably going to explain how fish fossils from the last interglacial was found in Bir Tarfawi, about 400 kilometers west of the Nile. These fossils are also found at the northern end of the runoff channel Selima Oasis in Sudan.

Evidence for the mega-lake is detected in Chad, Sudan and Libya. Location of this ancient oasis could help explain the pattern of early human migration.

is no less amazing, that is the place like on other planets

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